Sacramental Services
Baptism If you would like your child baptised, and you live in St Anne's parish, please contact the Parish Office or speak to one of the clergy at a Mass or Service. Baptisms usually take place on Sunday morning following Mass and is celebrated by the Parish Priest, Deacon Peter or Deacon John however it is possible to arrange alternative days. Parents are usually asked to attend a short preparation course.
Celebration of the Eucharist in our Parish (Holy Communion) The Eucharist is celebrated in St Anne's Tuesday to Friday at 9am. Mass of the Sunday is celebrated on Saturday at 6.30pm (Vigil Mass) and on Sunday at 9.30am. Timings subject to change see newsletter or twitter.
First Holy Communion preparation involves home, school and parish working together. In October we begin the period of preparation for your children’s First Holy Communion and First Confession. A Mass is held where the Children will be enrolled on the First Holy Communion Programme. Our Holy Communion celebration takes place in a Special Mass on a Sunday in May or June each year.
Sacrament of Reconciliaton (Confession) Available on Saturdays at 6pm prior to Vigil Mass or by appointment. Contact Fr Tony direct at St Gabriel's on 01270 877736
Confirmation -Who Can Receive? Any baptised Catholic wishing to advance on the path of developing their faith. For young people, this is usually part of the 5th/6th class primary school programme.
For adults who were not confirmed as children, it means taking part in the Rite of the Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A.)
Marriage St Anne's parishioners who wish to be married in our church will initially meet with the Parish Priest Fr Tony to discuss their plans. Please contact the Parish Office to make an appointment.
Visiting the Sick (including Annointing) If you, or anyone you know, needs a visit from a Priest, Holy Communion or Anointing please speak to one of the Clergy. In an emergency please contact us on 01270 625494 or 01270 877736
Feel called to become Catholic? We welcome adults who are seeking baptism as well as Christians of other denominations who would like to be received into full communion with the Catholic Church. The process begins with a short period of enquiry where, together with the Parish Priest, you can explore what you are seeking. This is followed by the ‘Catechumenate’, which is the period of preparation involved in becoming Catholic. It usually involves a course, generally known as RCIA (which stands for Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults). Do call the Parish Office or mail us for more information.