St Anne's RC Church Nantwich



Praying with Mary during the Month of May

“I want to encourage everyone to rediscover the beauty of praying the Rosary at home in the month of May.” Letter from Pope Francis to the Faithful for the

Month of May 2020

Each mystery of the Rosary meditates on a moment in the life of Christ. In this Year of the Word, the scripture text(s) given below for each mystery can help us reflect on the life of Jesus and this lets us know God more.

JOYFUL MYSTERIES (Monday & Saturday) 

1. The Annunciation of the Lord to Mary

‘Rejoice, so highly favoured! The Lord is with you’ Luke 1:28
‘I am the handmaid of the Lord; let what you have said be done to me’ Luke 1:38

2. The Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth

‘Blessed is she who believed that the promise made her by the Lord would be fulfilled’ Luke 1:45
‘My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, for the Almighty has done great things for me’ Luke 1:46

3. The Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ

‘Today in the town of David, a saviour has been born to you: he is

Christ, the Lord’ Luke 2:11
4. The Presentation of Our Lord

‘Now Master, you can let your servant go in peace just as you promised; because my eyes have seen the salvation which you have prepared for all the nations to see’ Luke 2:29

5. Finding Jesus in the Temple

‘Did you not know that I must be busy with my Father’s affairs?’
‘He then went down with them and came to Nazareth, and lived under their authority. His mother stored up all these things in her heart’
Luke 2:49-51


1. The Agony of Jesus in the Garden

‘Father if you are willing, take this cup away from me. Nevertheless let

your will be done, not mine’ Luke 22: 42, 43 

2. The Scourging at the Pillar

‘So Pilate, anxious to placate the crowd, released Barabbas for them, and having ordered Jesus to be scourged, handed him over to be crucified’ Mark 15:15

3. Jesus is Crowned with Thorns

‘The soldiers twisted some thorns into a crown and put it on his head, and dressed him in a purple robe. They kept coming up to him and saying, “Hail, king of the Jews,” and they slapped him in the face’
John 19:1, 2

4. Jesus Carries the Cross

‘Then when they had finished making fun of him, they took off the cloak, and dressed him in his own clothes, and led him away to crucify him’ Matthew 27:31

5. The Crucifixion of Our Lord

‘When they reached the place called The Skull they crucified him there and the two criminals also, one on the right and the other on the left...and Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Father, into your hands I commend my Spirit.” With these words he breathed his last’

Luke 22:33, 46

GLORIOUS MYSTERIES (Wednesday & Sunday) 

1. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ

‘Jesus, who was crucified, is not here, for he has risen as he said he would’ Matthew 28:6, 7
‘Christ has in fact been raised from the dead, the first–fruits of all who have fallen asleep. Death came through one man and in the same way the resurrection of the dead has come through one man’

1 Corinthians 15:21

2. The Ascension of Jesus to Heaven

‘He was lifted up while they looked on, and a cloud took him from their sight. Two men in white said to them, “Jesus who has been taken up from you into heaven, this same Jesus will come back in the same way as you have seen him go there”’ Acts 1:8, 9

3. The Descent of the Holy Spirit

‘Suddenly they heard what sounded like a powerful wind from heaven and something appeared to them that seemed like tongues of fire, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit’ Acts 2:2, 4

4. The Assumption of Mary into Heaven

‘From eternity in the beginning he created me and for eternity I shall remain. I ministered before him in the holy temple and thus was established in Jerusalem’ Ecclesiasticus 24:9, 1

5. Mary is Crowned as Queen of Heaven & Earth

‘Now a great sign appeared in heaven, a woman adorned with the sun, standing on the moon with twelve stars on her head for a crown. The woman brought a male child into the world, the son was to rule all nations with an iron sceptre’ Revelation 12:1, 5


1. The Baptism in the Jordan

‘In those days Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan. And just as he was coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens torn apart and the Spirit descending like a dove on him. And a voice came from heaven, “You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased.”’ Mark 1:10, 11

2. The Wedding at Cana

‘On the third day there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding. His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.” When the steward tasted the water it had become wine.’
John 2:1-11

3. The Proclamation of the Kingdom

‘From that time Jesus began to proclaim, “Repent, for the kingdom of

heaven has come near.”’ Matthew 4:13-17 

4. The Transfiguration

‘Jesus took with him Peter and John and James, and went up on the mountain to pray. And while he was praying, the appearance of his face changed, and his clothes became dazzling white. Then from the cloud came a voice that said, “This is my Son, my Chosen; listen to him!”’ Luke 9:28-36

5. The Institution of the Eucharist

‘Jesus on the night when he was betrayed took a loaf of bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body that is for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” In the same way he took the cup also, after supper, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me. ”’
1 Corinthians 11:23-26

Pope Francis Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary
To be recited after saying the Rosary 

O Mary,

You shine continuously on our journey as a sign of salvation and hope.
We entrust ourselves to you, Health of the Sick, who, at the foot of the cross, were united with Jesus’ suffering, and persevered in your faith.

“Protectress of the Roman people”, you know our needs, and we know that you will provide, so that, as at Cana in Galilee, joy and celebration may return after this time of trial. Help us, Mother of Divine Love, to conform ourselves to the will of the Father and to do what Jesus tells us.

For he took upon himself our suffering, and burdened himself with our sorrows to bring us, through the cross, to the joy of the Resurrection.


We fly to your protection, O Holy Mother of God; Do not despise our petitions in our necessities, but deliver us always from every danger, O Glorious and Blessed Virgin.

Marian Prayer for the Easter Season
Queen of heaven, rejoice, alleluia, For he whom you were worthy to bear, alleluia,

Has risen, as he foretold, alleluia; Pray for us to God, alleluia. Rejoice and be glad, O Virgin Mary, alleluia.

For the Lord has indeed risen, alleluia.

God our Father, you give joy to the world by the resurrection of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Through the prayers of his mother, the Virgin Mary, bring us to the happiness of eternal life. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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